I am in Indianapolis for a conference and believe I have walked the sole right off of my shoes. LOL. I found the skywalk so I don't have to walk out in the windy weather so I can go from my sleep hotel to the conference hotel and not get out in the weather one time, which for me is great. I spent yesterday evening walking up and down and I kept thinking if we had skywalks in my town, I would never go back to the gym. My hotel, though, does have a great gym too so I got up early enough to go do some treadmill walking and I did lift a little weights. For the next two weeks, I will be traveling. When I get home from this trip, I have two days to wash and dry my clothes and repack because I am leaving early Tuesday morning to head to Baltimore for a week. After these two trips, I am through traveling until May, June, and July. Yeah!
I will be doing conference stuff all day and between conference panels, I am working on a research project. While the research is done, I am spending my extra time writing the literature review, the methodology, and results. My research partner has already sent me her recommendations from the perspective of accountants, so all I have to add is the recommendations for composition administrators. Yeah! You guys thought I had a glamorous life, didn't you? Don't be too jealous, I spend my conferences pouring over research of my colleagues and they pour over mine and we are all a bunch of egg heads. Last night we were eating in this really nice restaurant and while we waited on our food, we started looking at my friends research and pretty soon, we asked to move to a larger table, and our food came, and we ended up, much to the dismay of the cook, letting the food get too cold. I brought mine back to the hotel and heated it in the microwave. LOL. They all drank a ton of wine and I just basically drank water.
So, please, please, please give me some interesting goings ons.
Jeannie, I used to live in Monroe, I can attest to how bad it is. The only good thing about it for me was the person I met that gave me my cat. She has become a good friend. The woman is awesome. 4-10 and 98 pounds, has MS and a heart problem, but is a whirlwind of energy ... she has brought down the feral colonies in West Monroe, LA through trap, neuter, release. Patricia may not have a high school diploma, but she is a very intelligent woman. I was lucky to meet her.
Good Morning Jeannie,
Depending on what kind of research you do, I might find your conference interesting. I studied psychology and social work in graduate school.
My excitement was getting to the YMCA yesterday, and learning the machines there, and setting up a program for myself. The trainer was extremely helpful.
I don't have to watch Frankie this morning, as Colleen is babysitting her nephew. Prayers are appreciated for her newborn niece. She was born full term on Saturday, but is in an incubator, with breathing difficulties. Her echocardiogram on Thursday showed no problems with her heart.
Today, my plans are to head back to the Y, and go through the routine the trainer and I set up. Then, I thought I'd see how the elliptical feels. I haven't been on one in years. I just remember loving it.
I hope everyone has a blessed day.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Jeanne and my OFF sistas!
Well, I don't know how interesting it is, but I'll give you the run down of my day.
This morning I am going to the hospital to have that test run of the medicine for VW. I will have an infusion and then we wait 30 minutes and draw more blood. Sounds like a lot of "pokes" to me this morning!
Anyway, I have decided to be a glass half full type of gal today, so I'm grateful for the test and I believe the medicine will work and I'll be having my surgery next week.
Then I have to go find the post office in Schertz and get mail box keys for the new house. I have to show documentation to prove I'm the new owner. In the new neighborhood, all the mailboxes are clustered together at the ends of the blocks. Guess that makes it easier on the mailman. I've never lived anywhere that we didn't get individual mail delivery.
So see? I have an extremely boring life, too! Maybe somebody somewhere is doing something fun or interesting today. C'mon gang! We need to live vicariously through someone else's adventures today! LOL!
Love you all!
Hi Vickie,
I hope they do the infusion with one poke. When I get the IV iron infusions, and they need to also draw blood, the do the poke, and then draw the blood from the IV not another poke.
Let us know how it goes.
Albert Schweitzer

Hey Trish! Well, I got very lucky and had a great lab tech. He got the IV in in one poke and yes, he was also able to draw the blood out of the same spot. That's good! I'm used to them having to make multiple sticks. My veins are terrible.
Anyway the tranfusion took about 30 minutes and then we waited 30 minutes to draw the blood sample, so it wasn't bad at all. Now we have to wait for the results of the blood tests. I go back to see the plastic surgeon (PS) on Tuesday morning. Hopefully everything will be a "go" at that point.
Did want to tell y'all how the folks in the transfusion lab went on and on about how rare VW is, and how they had never done this particular infusion before, and also how the folks in the lab didn't know how to do the blood tests, so my samples were having to be sent off to some big city lab, etc. My goodness. None of that is helping me feel any better about my "Volks Wagon" disease, as Butch is now calling it. But I am not going to let it freak me out today. Today I have faith that VW can and will be controlled by the medicine and that I can go on and live my life normally.
My mom called while I was out, and I need to call her back, but I can't quite decide how much to tell her. Ten years ago, I wouldn't have hesitated to tell her everything, but these days she just worries and frets so over every little thing. I'm not sure it isn't kinder of me to just not mention it to her at all. But then I think how upset I would be if Carrie or Christie kept something from me. I may just tell her I have a clotting problem and leave it at that.
Gorgeous warm sunny spring day today. I simply must get out there and enjoy it!
Love you all!